We Teach You How To Stop Saying Umm in Your Podcasts

Helpful Summary

  • Overview:

This article focuses on improving podcast production by eliminating filler words like "umm" and "ah." It emphasizes the importance of having quality, distraction-free podcast audios that keep listeners engaged.

  • Why you should listen to us:

Cleanvoice has a proven track record of helping podcasters create high-quality, engaging content. Success stories from our clients show how removing filler words has increased listener retention and engagement.

  • Why it matters:

Removing filler words enhances professionalism, improves listener engagement, ensures time efficiency, and provides better pacing, making the podcast more enjoyable and easier to follow.

  • Action points:

Use Cleanvoice's AI tool to remove filler words from your podcast recordings automatically. Additionally, practice mindful speaking, use strategic pauses, prepare outlines, and record in segments to minimize filler words.

  • Further research:

Explore the advanced features of Cleanvoice and other audio editing techniques to complement it. Look into advanced podcast production strategies to improve the quality of your content.

Need Help To Remove Filler Words From Your Podcast?

You’re recording your latest podcast episode, delivering what you believe is great content. But as you listen back, you cringe at the constant “umms,” “ahs,” and other filler words scattered throughout your speech.

Yes, you cannot help it. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

At Cleanvoice, we understand podcasters' challenges in delivering polished, engaging content. Our AI-powered solution specializes in removing those annoying filler sounds, ensuring your true voice and message shine through.

This article will explain how our tool can transform your audio into a filler-free, smooth, and professional production.

Why Listen To Us?

It seems impossible to create a podcast without fillers. But Cleanvoice has made that possible. We’ve assisted numerous podcasters in easily editing their podcasts, making them sound polished and professional.

Cleanvoice has also removed audio imperfections, including filler words like "umms" and "ahs," mouth sound, dead air, and background noise, ensuring high-quality sound.

With well-edited podcasts that sound credible, our clients have been able to build trust and attract new listeners. They have also increased listener retention and engagement.

Here’s Why You Should Not Say Umm In Your Podcasts

Your podcasts are much better without these filler words. Here is why:


Using too many filler words like “umm” can make you sound unprepared or unprofessional. It gives the impression that you are uncertain about your topic. Your listeners expect polished content; removing these fluffs helps maintain a more credible tone.

Listener Engagement

Filler words are distracting! They interrupt the flow of information for your listeners, making it difficult for them to keep up with your main points. However, reducing the “umms” keeps your audience more engaged.

Time Efficiency

We all value our time. As a podcaster, you want to convey your message in the shortest time possible. Having filler words in your episodes makes them unnecessarily longer. Removing them ensures conciseness.

Improved Pacing

Filler-free speech naturally leads to better pacing. Your content flows more smoothly, making it easier for listeners to follow your thoughts and absorb the information.

Clarity of Message

"Umms" and other fillers can cloud your message. Eliminating them ensures your ideas come across more clearly and effectively. This makes transcription easier and enhances the overall quality of your podcast.

How Do You Stop Saying Umms In Your Podcast?

Here are different ways to stop saying “umms” in your podcast.

1. Using an AI-powered Filler Words Remover

One of the quickest and most effective ways to stop saying “umms” in your podcast is to use an AI filler word removal tool like Cleanvoice.

We have designed the Cleanvoice AI to streamline your audio editing process by automatically removing filler words like "um," "ah," and "uh" from podcast recordings.

It can do these for multiple languages: English, German, and French. So, what happens after removing these fillers? Cleanvoice AI replaces them with room noise to preserve the natural flow of conversation.

Cleanvoice can also remove filler words across multiple audio tracks while maintaining speaker synchronization. Best of all, the tool is straightforward to use. Just drag and drop your audio file and watch the software do its magic.

2. Practice Mindful Speaking

While recording, focus on speaking more deliberately. Take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding or moving to a new topic. This can help reduce the natural urge to use filler words.

3. Use Strategic Pauses

Instead of using "umm" as a pause, try silence. Short, intentional pauses can add emphasis and give listeners time to process information. If well done, it can improve the overall impact of your content.

4. Prepare an Outline

Having a well-structured outline reduces the need for filler words. It keeps you on track and provides clear talking points. It also minimizes instances where you might struggle for words.

5. Record in Segments

You will likely use more filler words during longer recording sessions. Instead, try breaking your podcast into shorter segments. This approach can help maintain focus and reduce "umms" resulting from fatigue.

Best Practices for Creating Filler-Free Podcast Audios

To help you produce cleaner, more professional-sounding podcasts free of "umms" and other filler words, consider these best practices:

  • Warm Up Your Voice: Before recording, do some vocal exercises to get your voice ready and reduce the likelihood of stumbling over words.
  • Meditate Before Recording: A short meditation session can help clear your mind and improve focus during recording.
  • Use the “Parking Lot” Technique: If you're unsure about something, make a note to revisit it later instead of filling the gap with "umms."
  • Use a Visual Cue: Place a "No Umm" sign within your line of sight to constantly remind yourself to avoid filler words.
  • Slow Down: Speaking slightly slower can help you articulate more clearly and reduce the urge to use fillers.
  • Conduct Mock Interviews: Practice with a friend to get used to impromptu speaking without relying on fillers.
  • Use Placeholder Phrases: Replace "umm" with more professional-sounding phrases like "Let me think about that" or "That's an interesting point."
  • Listen to Your Recordings: Review your podcasts regularly to identify filler word patterns and work on improving them.
  • Record While Standing Up: This can improve your breathing and energy levels, leading to clearer speech.

Remember, the Cleanvoice AI tool can help polish your audio after implementing these practices, ensuring a professional, filler-free final product.

You Can Trust Cleanvoice To Remove Filler Words From Your Podcast Audios

As a podcaster, when you try to remove filler words from your podcast, it is not just for the aesthetics. You are doing it to improve the quality of your content while respecting your audience’s time and attention.

At Cleanvoice, we understand these needs. Therefore, we offer an AI-powered solution that seamlessly removes "umms," "ahs," and other filler sounds. We're not just removing words; we're enhancing the overall listening experience for your audience.

Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, the Cleanvoice Filler Words Remover will ensure your message is clear and impactful.

Sign up today to let your true voice be heard, uninterrupted and crystal clear.