How We Produce a Podcast: Step-by-Step Guide + Tools You Can Use

Helpful Summary


In this Cleanvoice article, we provide a detailed guide on podcast production, outlining the tools and best practices necessary for creating high-quality podcasts. This includes everything from content planning and recording to editing and distribution.

Why You Can Trust Us:

Our platform is backed by success stories and positive user feedback from over 15,000 podcasters. Podcast production has gotten a lot easier lately with the help of our AI audio editing tools.

Why This Is Important:

Effective podcast production enhances content quality and listener engagement, which are crucial for building a loyal audience and establishing a strong presence in the podcasting community.

Action Points:

Plan your podcast's content and structure meticulously, invest in quality recording equipment, and use efficient editing software like Cleanvoice to ensure a professional output.

Further Research:

Explore various podcast hosting and analytics tools to optimize distribution and educate yourself on your audience's preferences and behaviors.

Need Help Producing a Podcast?

Podcasts seem simple on the surface, but producing a great podcast is not easy.

As an aspiring podcaster, you’ll face the challenge of not only creating engaging and valuable content but also the technical challenges concerning recording, editing, and distribution.

At Cleanvoice, we understand that editing – a major component of podcast production – is one of your biggest hurdles. With our AI audio editing tools, editing becomes a lot simpler and faster.

In this article, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide that highlights the tools, strategies, and best practices we've adopted to produce an outstanding podcast.

Why Listen to Us?

Simply put, we at Cleanvoice have revolutionized the audio editing process for podcasters, enabling them to produce professional-quality podcasts effortlessly.

Our platform is designed to automatically remove any audio imperfections such as background noise, mouth sounds, and filler words.

Over 15,000 podcasters have reported significant improvements in their podcast production quality after using our tool. This highlights how our features have been instrumental in improving their podcasts, making each of their episodes more engaging.

What Is Podcast Production?

Podcast production involves the entire process of creating a podcast, from the initial idea to the final release and distribution.

This is the process of you taking your podcast from dream to reality. To make that happen, a lot goes on behind the scenes. You need to choose the right podcasting equipment and figure out a standard operating procedure for editing podcasts quickly so you don’t get swamped with work.

Take "The Joe Rogan Experience," for example.

From the outside, it might seem that the only consistent element of his podcast is the interview format. He meanders from topic to topic on a whim, seemingly without any structure.

That said, Rogan’s producer still needs to put a lot of work in before, during, and after the episode to ensure that the podcast runs smoothly. If the audio levels weren’t properly balanced ahead of time, Joe Rogan probably wouldn’t be a household name.

Things To Consider When Producing a Podcast

Content and Niche

Choose a topic you're passionate about and that will also capture the interest of your intended audience.

Your content should be compelling and provide value, which could be in the form of entertainment, education, or insightful discussions. This helps in attracting and retaining listeners.


Knowing who your listeners are, including their interests and listening habits, is essential.

This understanding allows you to tailor your content and marketing strategies effectively, ensuring that your podcast resonates with those who are most likely to appreciate it.

Format and Structure

Your podcast format could be interview-based, narrative, educational, or conversational.

Choosing the right format helps in meeting the expectations of your audience. Structuring your episodes consistently (e.g., creating specific segments in each episode) also helps in creating a recognizable and enjoyable listening experience.

Distribution Channels

To reach a broad audience, distribute your podcast across multiple platforms.

Post your podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, among others. You can also expand your podcast's reach and receive additional production assistance by joining podcast networks like IHeartRadio, Wondery, and PodcastOne.

How To Produce a Great Podcast

Step 1: Plan Your Podcast

Planning your podcast thoroughly at this stage sets a solid foundation for future episodes.

Start by choosing a specific topic that interests you and will likely interest others as well.

Consider who your audience is—knowing who you are talking to will help tailor your content better.

A critical part of this step is deciding on the podcast's format.

Will your podcast include interviews? Solo sessions and roundtable discussions? Or, will it be a mixture of these?

Just keep in mind that you should have the logistics planned ahead of time. (e.g. equipment, hosts, podcast setup, etc.).

2. Gather the Necessary Equipment

For recording, you'll need a good microphone to ensure clear audio quality. It’s crucial for keeping listeners engaged.

Use headphones to monitor your recording and editing, helping you catch and fix issues like volume inconsistencies or background noise.

You'll also need recording software, like Audacity for beginners or Adobe Audition for more advanced users, and a pop filter to minimize plosives in your speech, such as the hard 'p' and 'b' sounds that can create pops in the audio.

3. Record Your Podcast

Prepare your content in advance, whether it's a full script or key points you want to cover.

Find a quiet room to record, free from interruptions and background noise. Conduct sound checks before starting to ensure that the audio quality is clear.

Once everything is set, begin recording your episode. Focus on speaking clearly and at a steady pace to make the listening experience enjoyable.

4. Edit Your Podcast

After recording, use your chosen editing software to refine the audio. Cut out sections where you may have misspoken, remove awkward pauses, and adjust the audio levels for consistency.

You can also add music and sound effects to enhance the episode. Make sure you verify that any music or effects used are rights-cleared or royalty-free to avoid legal issues.

With Cleanvoice, we make editing your podcasts hassle-free. Our AI audio editing tools can automatically remove background noise, mouth sounds, dead air, stutters, and filler words in just a few clicks. Simply upload your file and let our AI do all the work, ensuring a professional-sounding podcast without manually editing your recordings.

5. Publish Your Podcast

Choose a podcast hosting service to upload and store your episodes.

It distributes your podcast to various listening platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

When uploading, you'll need to provide metadata, which includes the podcast title, a description, and keywords to help potential listeners find your podcast. Stick to a regular publishing schedule to maintain listener interest and engagement.

6. Promote Your Podcast

Promote your podcast through social media to reach a wider audience. Engage with your audience by encouraging them to leave reviews and share your podcast. Make sure you network with other podcasters. Inviting guests will help increase your visibility and attract new listeners.

Best Tools for Podcast Production

  1. Cleanvoice: Best for Editing Podcasts
  2. Riverside: Best for Recording Podcasts
  3. Spotify for Podcasters: Best for Hosting Podcasts

1. Cleanvoice

Cleanvoice is an AI podcast editing platform designed to streamline the audio production process for podcasters of all levels. Our platform automates the tedious task of removing all sorts of audio imperfections, ensuring a crisp, clean sound quality that enhances the listener's experience.

Key Features

  • Background Noise Remover: Helps eliminate unwanted background noise, ensuring that the audio quality is clear and distraction-free.
  • Filler Words Remover: Automatically detects and removes common filler words like um’s, ah’s, etc. from your recordings, making the dialogue crisper and more professional.
  • Silence Remover: Detects and cuts out unnecessary pauses in speech and dead air, reducing the length of recordings and maintaining listener engagement.
  • Stutter Remover: Smoothens speech by removing stuttering, delivering a more fluent audio presentation.
  • Mouth Sound Remover: Removes unwanted mouth sounds, which can be particularly annoying in close-mic podcast recordings.
  • Podcast Mixing: Allows for the mixing of tracks, including adding music or sound effects to enhance the production value of your podcast​.

2. Riverside

Riverside is a podcast recording tool designed to capture high-quality audio and video.

It supports locally recorded tracks for each participant, ensuring that even if the internet connection is a bit unstable, the quality of the recording remains uncompromised. Furthermore, Riverside can record up to 4K video resolution, providing crystal-clear visuals for video podcasts.

Key Features

  • High-Quality Recording: Supports local recording up to 4K video resolution and uncompressed 48kHz WAV audio.
  • Multi-Participant Support: The platform can handle recordings with up to 8 participants simultaneously, making it ideal for panel discussions, interviews, and collaborative podcasts​.
  • Live Streaming: Riverside also supports live streaming to platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and more, with options for audience participation through live call-ins​.

3. Spotify for Podcasters

Spotify for Podcasters is a popular podcast hosting platform that provides podcasters with an expansive environment to distribute their content.

It offers seamless integration with the Spotify streaming service, allowing podcasts to easily reach a global audience.

Key Features

  • Unlimited Free Hosting: Creators can upload and distribute their podcasts without limitations on storage or bandwidth.
  • Advanced Analytics: Provides detailed insights on podcast performance, including listener demographics and episode engagement.
  • Monetization Options: Podcasters can monetize their content through Spotify's various features tailored for creators.

Best Practices for Producing a Podcast

When producing a podcast, you should keep these best practices in mind to boost listener engagement:

  • Preparation is Key: Thoroughly research and prepare for each episode. This might mean scripting your episodes or at least having detailed notes. Preparation helps in delivering content smoothly and ensures that you cover all intended points clearly and concisely.
  • Focus On Creating Engaging Content: Keep your content engaging by involving stories, clear insights, and interesting information that resonates with your audience.
  • Be Interactive: Encourage listener interaction, such as Q&A sessions, listener mail, or involving audience suggestions in your episodes. This builds a community around your podcast and keeps listeners engaged and loyal.
  • Have A Regular Publishing Schedule: Maintain a consistent publishing schedule to keep your audience engaged. Regular releases can help your podcast stay relevant and top of mind for your listeners. For example, “The Joe Rogan Experience” releases 3 to 4 episodes with occasional extra podcasts.

Start Producing Great Podcasts With Cleanvoice

Producing a podcast that captivates and retains a loyal audience is both an art and a science. From choosing the right content and understanding your audience to recording, editing, and distribution, each step is critical to the success of your podcast.

At Cleanvoice, we aim to simplify one of the most challenging aspects of podcast production — editing. By automating the tedious process of removing audio imperfections, you can save time and create professional-quality podcasts to boot!

If you’re looking to enhance your podcast production, try Cleanvoice for free today!