Our Guide on How to Get a Podcast Sponsorship: It’s Easier Than You Think

Helpful Summary

  • **Overview:

In this guide, we explain the essentials of podcast sponsorship, providing strategies to help you attract and secure sponsorship deals .

  • Why You Can Trust Us:

We at Cleanvoice have extensive experience in the podcasting industry, providing our software solutions to 15,000 podcasters. Our insights are based on years of collaboration and success with a variety of podcasts.

  • Why it Matters:

Sponsorship offers financial support, audience growth, credibility, valuable connections, and improved content quality, making it a vital component for podcast sustainability and growth.

  • Action Points:

Understand your audience, create high-quality content, develop a professional media kit, reach out to potential sponsors with personalized pitches, and offer diverse sponsorship packages.

  • Further Research:

Visit the Cleanvoice blog for more in-depth articles on podcasting.

Want to Get a Podcast Sponsorship?

Podcasting is one of the greatest ways to turn your passion into a profit. But sometimes, the path to profit isn’t so clear.

The world of advertising and self-promotion can be a struggle for some podcasters, particularly novices. Podcast sponsorship can be a game-changer, providing a steady income stream while boosting your show's audience and credibility.

That’s why we created this article.

In this Cleanvoice guide, we break down everything you need to know to get a podcast sponsorship. Rest assured, you don’t need to be famous to get one!

Why Listen To Us?

At Cleanvoice, we are deeply embedded in the podcasting industry: over 15,000 podcasters trust our tools to enhance their audio quality.

After years of collaborating with successful podcasts of all sizes. We understand the challenges and opportunities in the podcasting world, and we're committed to sharing proven strategies that help podcasters thrive.

What is Podcast Sponsorship?

Podcast sponsorship is a form of advertising where companies pay podcasters to promote their products or services within their episodes.

This partnership benefits both parties. Sponsors gain access to a targeted audience, and podcasters receive financial support to sustain and grow their shows.

Here's how podcast sponsorships typically work:

A sponsor identifies a podcast that aligns with its brand and audience. Alternatively, the podcaster identifies brands that they want to work with and reaches out. Either way, they strike a deal that could involve the podcaster mentioning the sponsor at the beginning, middle, or end of the episode.

There are various ways to integrate these promotions, including host-read ads, pre-recorded commercials, and branded segments.

However, host-read ads are often the most effective because they feel more personal and authentic, as the host’s voice and style are consistent throughout the episode.

Why is Podcast Sponsorship Important?

Here are the top reasons why sponsorship is vital for podcasters:

  • Financial Support: Sponsorship provides a crucial revenue stream, covering production costs and enabling you to focus on content creation.
  • Audience Growth: Sponsors often promote the podcasts they support, helping to expand the show's reach and attract new listeners.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Partnering with reputable sponsors boosts a podcast's credibility, increasing listener trust and engagement.
  • Valuable Connections: Sponsorships can lead to industry connections and collaboration opportunities, opening doors to new ventures and growth.
  • Content Improvement: Financial backing allows you to invest in better equipment and resources, resulting in higher-quality content.

Different Types of Podcast Sponsorship

Pre-Roll Sponsorship

Pre-roll ads are short, typically 15-30 seconds, and play at the beginning of an episode. They capture listeners' attention right from the start.

For example:

"The Daily," a popular news podcast by The New York Times, often features pre-roll ads from major brands like Google.

Mid-Roll Sponsorship

Mid-roll ads are placed in the middle of an episode and usually last 30-60 seconds.

These ads benefit from the listener's engagement, as they are more invested in the content by this point.

The "Joe Rogan Experience" podcast frequently uses mid-roll ads to promote a variety of sponsors, from fitness products to tech gadgets.

Post-Roll Sponsorship

Post-roll ads appear at the end of an episode and can be effective in delivering a final message to dedicated listeners who stay until the end.

Although less common, they can still drive action, especially for call-to-action promotions.

For instance, "Stuff You Should Know" sometimes includes post-roll ads to encourage listeners to visit sponsor websites.

In this format, a specific segment of the podcast is dedicated to the sponsor. It allows for more in-depth discussion or demonstration of a product.


"Armchair Expert," hosted by Dax Shepard, often features sponsored segments where products are discussed in detail, blending seamlessly with the show’s content.

Branded Podcasts

Some brands create entire podcast series to align with their marketing goals. These branded podcasts provide value to listeners while subtly promoting the brand.

For example:

"Inside Trader Joe’s" is a podcast produced by the grocery chain, offering behind-the-scenes looks at the company and its products.

Our Step-by-Step Process for Securing Podcast Sponsors

Follow this four-step process to secure sponsorship deals for your podcast:

1. Identify Potential Sponsors

Research companies that align with your podcast's niche and audience. Use tools like LinkedIn, Apollo, and competitor analysis to find potential sponsors.

Preferably, look for brands that already invest in podcast promotion or show interest in reaching your listener demographic. Afterward, make a list of at least 20 potential sponsors to reach out to to increase your chances of success.

If you’re wondering which person to contact to get a sponsorship, you could ask the person who’s in charge of influencer marketing. Alternatively, you could DM the brand on social media like Instagram.

2. Prepare Your Podcast Media Kit

Create a professional media kit that includes:

  • Podcast Overview: A brief description of your podcast, including its name, theme, and target audience.
  • Audience Demographics: Provide details about your listeners such as age, gender, location, and interests.
  • Download Statistics: Share average downloads per episode and total downloads to date.
  • Social Media Reach: Include your follower counts and engagement rates on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • Previous Sponsorships: List any past sponsors and their feedback, if available.
  • Contact Information: Ensure your email and phone number are easy to find.

Design your media kit to be visually appealing and concise, using tools like Canva or Adobe Spark.

3. Craft a Compelling Pitch

Now, it’s time to reach out to brands.

Write a personalized pitch that highlights the value you offer and focuses on how sponsoring your podcast will benefit the brand.

Here's an email template you could use:

Subject: Partnership Opportunity with [Your Podcast Name]

Hi [Sponsor's Name],

Really love [Sponsor’s product] and thought you would do well to show it off to my audience.

I'm [Your Name], the host of [Your Podcast Name]. We focus on [brief description of your podcast]. With a dedicated audience of [mention your audience demographics], we believe [Sponsor's Company Name] would be a perfect fit for our listeners.

We’d love to discuss how we can promote [Sponsor's Product/Service] on our show. I’ve attached our media kit for your review.

Looking forward to the possibility of working together.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Challenges of Getting Podcast Sponsorships

While podcast sponsorship offers great benefits, securing these deals can be challenging. Here are some common obstacles (and tips to overcome them):

High Competition

With thousands of new podcasts launching every year, standing out to attract sponsors is tough. So. focus on creating unique, high-quality content to differentiate your show.

Proving Your Value

Sponsors need to see a clear return on investment. Demonstrate this with detailed analytics and success stories. New podcasters may struggle with this, so start by collecting as much audience data as possible.

Building Relationships

Establishing relationships with sponsors takes time and consistent effort. Networking through industry events and online communities can help build these connections.

Maintaining Listener Trust

Balancing ads and content is crucial. Too many ads can turn off listeners, while too few might not appeal to sponsors. Integrate ads naturally and be transparent with your audience about sponsorships.

Sponsorship deals come with legal and contractual obligations. Misunderstandings can lead to disputes. Carefully review all terms and consider consulting a legal professional to ensure compliance.

Best Practices to Get Podcast Sponsorships

Securing podcast sponsorships involves strategic planning and execution.

Here are some best practices to enhance your chances of landing valuable sponsorships:

Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is the foundation of attracting sponsors.

Use analytics tools to gather detailed data about your listeners, such as age, gender, location, and interests. Platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Analytics provide valuable insights.

For example:

If your podcast caters to young professionals interested in tech, you can highlight this in your pitch.

Knowing your audience allows you to match sponsors with the right demographic, making your sponsorship proposals more appealing.

High-quality content is crucial for attracting sponsors.

Invest in good recording equipment and use Cleanvoice to enhance your audio quality by removing filler words, background noise, mouth sounds, and more.

A professional-quality podcast demonstrates to sponsors that your show is worth investing in.

Plus, consistently high-quality content helps build a loyal listener base, making your podcast more attractive to potential sponsors.

Create a Media Kit

A professional media kit is essential for presenting your podcast to potential sponsors.

Include key information such as your podcast’s statistics (downloads, subscribers, social media followers), audience demographics, and previous sponsorships.

Make the media kit visually appealing with high-quality graphics and concise, clear information. Include testimonials or case studies from past sponsors if available.

This media kit serves as your podcast promotion portfolio, showcasing your value to potential sponsors.

Offer Different Sponsorship Packages

Providing various sponsorship packages caters to different budgets and needs, making it easier to attract a range of sponsors.

For example:

Offer pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ad spots, as well as sponsored segments. Detail the benefits of each package in your media kit, such as expected reach and engagement.

By offering flexibility, you can appeal to both small businesses and larger corporations, increasing your chances of securing sponsorship deals.

Sign a Contract

Most podcast sponsors are acting in good faith, but that doesn’t matter, you should cover your bases with a legal document that confirms your collaboration.

Oftentimes, the sponsor will often already have a boilerplate sponsorship agreement for you to sign. Just make sure you get everything in writing!

Maintain Consistent Communication

Keep in touch with potential and existing sponsors regularly.

Provide updates on your podcast’s performance and any new developments.

Consistent communication shows professionalism and dedication, helping to build long-term relationships with sponsors.

Send periodic reports detailing how their sponsorship is performing, including listener feedback and engagement statistics.

Ready to Land Sponsorships For Your Podcast?

Securing podcast sponsorships requires you to think strategically, from understanding your audience to figuring out what kinds of sponsorship packages to offer.

Fortunately, the tips we've shared in this article can help you attract valuable sponsorships to support and grow your show.

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Start by ensuring your audio quality is top-notch with Cleanvoice.

Sign up now to use Cleanvoice for free and make your podcast sound professional and polished. Happy podcasting!