How to Transcribe a Podcast to Text (w/ Tools & Best Practices)

Making your podcast content more readable and discoverable by turning it into written text can completely shift the game for your content.

If you're looking for an efficient and reliable transcription solution, meet Cleanvoice AI. With accurate and seamless conversions from audio to text, this innovative technology eliminates the trouble of transcription for podcasts.

What is Podcast Transcription?

Podcast transcription is the process of converting spoken word from your podcast into written text. There are two methods to do it: first, you can use specialized software that will automatically transcribe the audio for you.

The second option is to manually write the transcript while listening to the podcast audio.

Both methods assist you in producing a written version of your podcast, which is advantageous for a number of factors, including making it available to listeners who prefer reading and enhancing your search engine exposure.

Here is a good example of a high-quality audio podcast transcript from The Daily NYT made using specialized transcription software.

It contains all the important information regarding the podcast episode and even includes non-verbal cues, like [MUSIC PLAYING]. This helps ensure that your listeners understand the context of your podcast and won’t miss any crucial details.

Why should you Transcribe a Podcast to Text


More individuals can access your content if you make it available in writing. Some people like to read instead of listening, and others may have difficulty hearing. By providing a written version, you include these individuals, making your content available to a broader audience and promoting inclusivity.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing can interpret your episode when you have a podcast transcription. These search engines can read and analyze the transcript but not the audio directly.

By doing this, you can make your podcast searchable online, making it easier for people to find it when they look for related topics. 

In fact, according to a case study by This American Life, there is a 4.36% increase in inbound traffic when the site has transcripts.

Easy Reference

Having a written transcript of your podcast allows listeners to find specific information or quotes mentioned in the episode easily. They may easily find what they're looking for by reading the transcript rather than listening to the entire podcast again. It’s also much easier for podcasters to keep track of past topics.

How to Transcribe a Podcast to Text

Step 1: Choose a Transcription Method

There are different transcription methods available for transcribing a podcast. Here are some of the commonly used methods:

1.1 Using AI Tools

Transcription software, such as Cleanvoice, uses artificial intelligence technology to convert audio into text with just a few clicks. This is a time and money-saving method, while not compromising accuracy.

In addition to its accuracy and speed, AI tools for transcribing your podcast offer many other features, like audio cleanup services which will help improve the accuracy of transcripts. You can check out other AI tools for transcription and pick one to make your job easy.


  • Convenient and Fast
  • Affordable
  • Easy to use


  • May not always be 100% accurate
  • May have difficulty understanding certain accents and unfamiliar words

1.2 Manual Transcription

Manual transcription involves listening to a podcast episode and typing out everything you hear into a written document. It's a detailed and precise method, but it requires more effort and patience.


  • Precise and accurate transcription
  • Full control over the transcription process


  • Time-consuming
  • Needs proficient speed typing abilities

1.3 Transcription Service Provider

Transcription services use special tools or transcriptionists to convert your podcast into written text. They take care of the task for you rather than performing it yourself.

Some also provide extra helpful features like timestamps to show where things are said, and speaker identification to know who is speaking.


  • Time-saving
  • Additional features such as speaker identification and timestamps
  • High-quality transcripts are guaranteed by qualified transcriptionists.


  • Can be incredibly expensive, especially for long-form content or podcasters with high post-rates.

Step 2: Prepare the Recording

Make sure your podcast's audio quality is excellent before you begin transcription. Here are some easy tips to prepare your recording:

  • Get a Good Microphone: Invest in a high-quality microphone that can capture clear and crisp sound. USB microphones or XLR microphones with an audio interface are popular for podcasters and can really improve audio quality.

  • Pick a quiet spot: Find a peaceful environment for recording where background noises and interruptions are minimized. You can use soundproofing materials or choose a room with good acoustics.

You can also use noise remover tools to clean your audio recordings.

This improves transcribing and guarantees that the final transcript is accurate and pleasing to your audience. Take the extra time to properly set up your recording since it will make a big difference in the end.

Step 3: Transcribe the Podcast

When you've decided on a transcription method and confirmed that the recording is ready, it's time to get started on your podcast transcription. Follow this simple guide to help you through the process:

  1. Listen carefully: Play the relevant podcast episode and pay close attention to what is being discussed. Observe the speech patterns, accents, and any unique words, phrases, or expressions that are used. Make a careful record of these observations as you proceed.

  2. Pause and rewind: Feel free to take breaks when needed to catch up with the transcription and ensure accuracy. If you miss something or need to hear it again, use the rewind function to replay that part.

  3. Use transcription software or tools: Consider using transcription software or tools to make things easier. These tools can automatically add timestamps, fix errors, and even offer shortcuts to speed up the process.

Cleanvoice is a very helpful application for podcast transcription that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate accurate transcriptions from your podcast or audio recordings. The platform can save you a significant of time and work while transcribing in a number of languages!

Pro tip to reach more audience with transcripts

Repurpose your podcast's content to attract new audiences and maximize its effectiveness. You can turn the key points into blog posts or articles, making it easier to share your podcast content in a different format.

Transcripts can also be exported as SRT files, which are used for subtitles in videos, so people with subtitle preferences can also enjoy your podcast.

Best Practices for Podcast Transcription

Making your podcast searchable and readable through transcription is an excellent idea, but it must be done correctly. Here are some guidelines for podcast transcription that we've compiled in order to assist you:

1. Use Timestamps

Timestamps are like signposts for your listeners to find specific parts of your podcast easily. They're useful, especially for longer episodes or when you cover different topics.

You can include timestamps at regular intervals or whenever you start discussing a new subject. This way, readers of your transcript can quickly jump to the parts they're most interested in without having to scroll through the entire document.

2. Label Speakers

Making it clear who is talking is important when your podcast features multiple speakers. In order to achieve this, write the speaker's name in bold, then their words, followed by a colon.  

After that, start a new line for the next speaker. This simple formatting makes the transcript much easier to follow, and readers can easily see who's saying what.

3. Provide Transcripts Directly on Your Website

To make your podcast transcripts easily accessible to your audience and boost your website's SEO, consider displaying them directly on your website.

It's best to place the transcripts right after your show notes in plain text or HTML format. People may locate and read the transcriptions this way without experiencing any additional difficulty.

4. Indicate Sound Effects and Music Cues

Don't forget to include descriptions of significant sound effects and music cues in your podcast transcript. These descriptions provide context and improve understanding, especially for those who may have difficulty hearing or prefer reading the content.

Describing these audio elements allows all readers to fully grasp the atmosphere and emotions conveyed in your podcast, making it more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone.

5. Improve Readability

Even if they are from the same individual, it is a good practice to divide long pieces of speech into paragraphs while transcribing. This makes the text easier to read and understand while also giving readers a much-needed visual respite.


Avoid using italics wherever you can save yourself from complicating the reading of the text.

Ready to Transcribe Your Podcast?

Transcribing your podcast to text can significantly improve its accessibility and reach.

There are plenty of methods available, though you’ll need to take into account the time and effort required by things like manual transcription, or the costs of a full-on human transcription service.

At Cleanvoice AI, we prefer solutions that are going to save time. Cleanvoice provides a reliable and efficient solution for accurate transcription, making the process seamless and hassle-free.

Unlock the power of podcast transcription with Cleanvoice AI today, and check out our prices to find a deal that works for you.