We Found a Better Approach to Writing Podcast Show Notes

Helpful Summary

  • Overview:

In this guide, we explore how to create engaging podcast show notes, emphasizing their importance in attracting listeners, improving SEO, and adding value to your podcast.

  • Why You Can Trust Us:

At Cleanvoice, we offer AI-driven tools that enhance content quality. That’s why 15,000 podcasters use our software to enhance their podcasts.

  • Why it Matters:

Effective show notes improve accessibility, enhance SEO, increase listener engagement, aid in marketing, and allow for content repurposing, thus boosting podcast success.

  • Action Points:

Write catchy titles, craft engaging summaries, include timestamps, highlight key takeaways, provide guest bios and links, list mentioned resources, and end with a clear call-to-action.

  • Further Research:

Visit the Cleanvoice blog for more in-depth guides to help you grow your podcast.

Want to Learn How to Write Podcast Show Notes?

We all know the importance of first impressions. And when people are deciding whether to listen to your podcast, your show notes are one of the first things they look at.

Without well-written show notes, you might miss opportunities to attract new listeners, improve search engine rankings, and provide additional value to your audience.

In this comprehensive guide from Cleanvoice, we'll explore what podcast show notes are, why they're important, and how to write them effectively.

Let's get started.

Why Listen To Us?

Over 15,000 podcasters trust Cleanvoice to enhance their podcast content. Our AI-driven tool ensures high-quality show notes, summaries, and editing, helping you deliver professional episodes effortlessly.

At Cleanvoice, our commitment to excellence in podcast audio makes us a trusted authority in podcasting. We only share actionable, expert-vetted insights that will elevate your podcasting game.

What Are Podcast Show Notes?

Podcast show notes are detailed descriptions and summaries of your podcast episodes. They serve as a companion to your audio content, providing listeners with key takeaways, important links, and additional resources related to the episode.

Essentially, they are a written version of your podcast that helps listeners quickly grasp what the episode is about and decide if they want to listen.

These notes often include an episode summary, timestamps for different segments, guest bios, and links to any products, services, or websites mentioned in the episode.

Offering a clear and concise overview makes your podcast more accessible. If you include the right keywords, show notes can make your podcast more discoverable, helping you reach a wider audience.

Why Are Podcast Show Notes Important?

Podcast show notes are crucial for several reasons:

Improved Accessibility

Most listeners are busy and want to get to the point quickly. Show notes provide a quick way to understand the episode's key points, making your podcast more inclusive and user-friendly.

Timestamps are especially helpful to give users an idea of the structure of the show and let them skip the parts that they don’t want to listen to.

Enhanced SEO

Including relevant keywords and detailed descriptions in your show notes can improve your podcast's ranking in search engine results. This means potential listeners searching for topics related to your podcast are more likely to find your episodes. And that’s not just limited to Google, include your show notes on platforms like YouTube to show up in their search results too!

Increased Listener Engagement

Well-crafted show notes offer a convenient reference for listeners to revisit specific topics or resources mentioned in your episodes. This not only enhances the listener experience but also encourages repeat visits to your podcast.

Marketing and Promotion

Show notes serve as valuable marketing tools. They can be shared on social media, included in newsletters, or posted on your website to drive traffic and promote your episodes, extending the reach and impact of your podcast beyond the audio format.

In fact, your show notes can be repurposed into blog posts, articles, or social media content, allowing you to maximize the value of your podcast episodes and reach different audiences across various platforms.

How to Write Podcast Show Notes

Writing effective podcast show notes is an art that can significantly enhance your podcast's reach and engagement. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to craft compelling show notes.

Let's dive in!

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Podcast Show Notes

1. Start with a Catchy Title

The title of your show notes should be attention-grabbing and informative. It should give potential listeners a clear idea of what the episode is about while sparking their curiosity.

Including your main keyword in the title (e.g., “podcast show notes”) can also help with SEO.

Generally, a well-crafted title can significantly increase the click-through rate, drawing more listeners to your episode.

Example title:

"A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Effective Podcast Show Notes"

2. Write an Engaging Summary

Begin with a brief summary that highlights the main points of the episode. This should be concise yet engaging, providing enough information to entice readers to listen to the full episode.

The summary should highlight the episode’s unique value proposition, addressing why a listener should invest their time in it.


"In this episode, we explore podcast show notes and how they contribute to your podcast's success. You'll learn practical tips on how to write compelling show notes that boost your SEO, engage your audience, and drive more traffic to your podcast."

Of course, with so many AI tools around, it could be easier just to auto-generate the summary. Here’s how you can do it in Cleanvoice with just a few clicks:

  • Upload your file Visit Cleanvoice and upload your podcast episode's audio file.
  • Generate the Summary

Use Cleanvoice's podcast summarization feature. Our AI will analyze your episode, extract the key points, and create a concise summary.

  • Review and Edit

Review the generated summary for accuracy and completeness. Make sure it captures the essence of your episode.

You can add any additional details that the AI might have missed.

3. Include Timestamps

Timestamps are incredibly useful for listeners who want to skip to specific parts of the episode. They provide a clear roadmap of the content covered and make it easy for listeners to find the information they’re interested in.

:::callout{Here’s an example from “The Tim Ferriss Show”: type="success"} Each timestamp should include a brief description of the segment, so listeners know what to expect.

See the image below. :::

Each timestamp should include a brief description of the segment, so listeners know what to expect.

4. Highlight Key Takeaways

Summarize the key points and takeaways from the episode. This helps listeners quickly grasp the most important information and reinforces the value of the episode.

Each takeaway should be concise and actionable, providing clear benefits that listeners can easily understand and apply.

If you have guests on your show, include a brief bio and links to their websites, social media profiles, or any resources they mentioned.

This allows your listeners to learn more and shows appreciation for your guests. Providing detailed bios helps build credibility too.

Here’s what the section could look like:

Guest Bio: Jane Doe is a podcast marketing expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. She has helped numerous podcasts grow their audience through effective marketing strategies.


  • Jane Doe's Website
  • Follow Jane on Twitter

List all the resources, tools, and links mentioned in the episode. This makes it easy for listeners to find and access the information they need without having to search for it themselves.

Ensure that all links are active and direct listeners to the correct resources.

7. Include a Call to Action (CTA)

End your show notes with a clear call to action.

Whether it's encouraging listeners to subscribe, leave a review, or visit your website, a CTA can drive further engagement and interaction with your podcast.

Be specific about what you want your listeners to do next and why it benefits them.


"Enjoyed this episode? Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more tips and insights on podcasting. Leave us a review on iTunes and follow us on social media for the latest updates!"

Breaking Down a Podcast Show Notes Example

"The Tim Ferriss Show" Episode with Noah Kagan

We found a standout example of podcast show notes.

The show notes for Tim Ferriss's podcast episode with Noah Kagan are comprehensive and well-structured.

They start with a catchy title and engaging summary. Naturally, they highlighted Noah Kagan's impressive background and key achievements.

Detailed timestamps provide a clear roadmap of the episode's content, allowing listeners to easily navigate to specific segments.

The inclusion of memorable quotes offers additional insights, while the guest bios and links facilitate further engagement with Noah's work.

Excerpts from the show notes example:
  • Title:

"Noah Kagan — How to Launch a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend (#717)"

  • Summary:

"Noah Kagan (@noahkagan) was #30 at Facebook, #4 at Mint, and has since created seven million-dollar businesses (Kickflip/Gambit, AppSumo, KingSumo, SendFox, Sumo, TidyCal, and Monthly1k).

He is the CEO of AppSumo.com, the #1 software-deals site for entrepreneurs, and has a popular YouTube channel, Noah Kagan.

His new book is Million Dollar Weekend: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours.

Please enjoy!"

  • Timestamps:
  • 03:55] Noah and some of his notable successes.
  • [07:00] Is Barcelona the new Austin?
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • [3:56:00] What’s the DEAL with Cindy, 10 years after meeting Noah and me?*
  • [4:00:34] Parting thoughts.
  • Quotes:

“That’s why I left SF — I wanted to live. I’m not here just to work all day, and that’s why I’m in Barcelona. I want to have a good balance of enjoying life and making money the way I want.” — Noah Kagan

“Get off the emotion and get to the solution.” — Noah Kagan

“In sales, I do this all the time. I’ll just say, ‘I just want to learn.’ That’s my first phrase. Second phrase is, ‘You didn’t want this? Just tell me why not. I want to learn.’ People will reply and they’ll tell you.” — Noah Kagan

“Business, really, it’s three Ws. It’s what’s a problem you’re solving that people care about, who are those people, and where are they?” — Noah Kagan

  • Guest Bios and Links:

“Connect with Noah Kagan:

Official Website | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook”

  • Resources/People Mentioned:
  • Browse Software Deals for Your Business | AppSumo.com
  • How to Create a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend (Examples: AppSumo, Mint, Chihuahuas) by Noah Kagan | Tim Ferriss
  • How Facebook’s #30 Employee Quickly Built 4 Businesses and Gained 40 Pounds with Weight Training | The Tim Ferriss Show #75
  • Stoicism 101: A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs by Ryan Holiday | Tim Ferriss
  • Ryan Holiday
  • Dan Andrews
  • Ian Schoen
  • CTA:

“What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.”

Best Practices for Writing Effective Podcast Show Notes

Engage with a Personal Touch

Write your show notes in a conversational tone that reflects your podcast’s personality.

Personal touches and anecdotes can make your notes more relatable and enjoyable to read, creating a stronger connection with your audience.

Use Quotes and Highlights

Include memorable quotes and key highlights from the episode. These can serve as teaser content to entice potential listeners and provide quick insights for those who skim the notes.

Be Consistent

Maintain a consistent format and style across all your podcast show notes. Consistency helps build your brand identity and makes it easier for your audience to navigate your content.

Use tools like Cleanvoice'sshow notes generator to consistently create high-quality summaries and show notes, saving time and ensuring a professional look.

Implement SEO Best Practices

Beyond just including keywords, ensure your show notes follow broader SEO best practices. This includes using appropriate meta tags, alt text for images, and creating a clear, logical structure that search engines can easily crawl.

Enable Easy Sharing

Include social sharing buttons within your show notes. Make it easy for your audience to share their favorite episodes or quotes on social media, helping to organically spread your podcast’s reach.

Optimize for Readability

Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to improve readability. A well-structured format helps your audience quickly find the information they are looking for and keeps them engaged.

Include a Strong CTA

End your show notes with a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA). Encourage your listeners to subscribe, leave a review, or visit your website.

A strong CTA guides your audience towards taking meaningful actions that support your podcast’s growth.

Update Regularly

Keep your show notes updated with the latest information and resources. Regular updates ensure your content remains relevant and valuable, which helps retain and attract new listeners.

Create Engaging Show Notes for your Podcast

You must create engaging podcast show notes if you want your podcast strategy to succeed.

By optimizing for SEO and leveraging social media, you can create show notes that enhance your podcast’s reach and impact.

Ready to streamline podcast creation?

Cleanvoice features an AI-powered podcast show notes generator that saves you time while maintaining high-quality outputs.

Want to explore our tool and see how it can help elevate your podcasting game? Access it here for free!