Our Guide on How to Create Show Notes For Your Podcast Episodes

Helpful Summary

  • Overview:

This article outlines Cleanvoice's approach to generating practical show notes for podcast episodes. It highlights the importance of show notes in enhancing listener engagement, improving SEO, and increasing a podcast's overall professionalism.

  • Why you can trust us:

Cleanvoice has successfully assisted over 15,000 podcasters by automating show note creation, which improves workflow and podcast discoverability. Their clients report increased efficiency and growth.

  • Why this is important:

High-quality show notes are important for attracting and retaining listeners, boosting SEO, and enhancing the listener experience by providing easily navigable content.

  • Action points:

Use Cleanvoice’s AI-powered tool to generate comprehensive show notes, which include episode summaries, key topics with timestamps, guest bios, and relevant links. This will ensure consistency and professionalism across episodes.

  • Further research:

Learn more about other features of Cleanvoice that help to improve your podcast production experience and the overall quality of your output.

Need Help Generating Show Notes from Podcast Audios?

Over 5 million podcasts with more than 75 million episodes are available to listeners worldwide. So, how can your podcast rise above the noise and attract listeners? The answer might surprise you: combining great audio content with outstanding show notes.

Enticing, easy-to-navigate show notes serve as your podcast's first impression. They help potential listeners decide whether to tune in. They also provide valuable context for your existing audience.

But with the pressure to consistently produce high-quality audio content, many podcasters need help giving their show notes the attention they deserve.

At Cleanvoice, we understand this challenge. That’s why we have created this guide to help you easily create simple but powerful show notes.

Why Listen To Us?

We have first-hand experience tackling the core challenges in podcast production. Cleanvoice has assisted numerous podcast professionals in refining their shows, from removing background noise to eliminating filler words and generating podcast summaries and show notes.

By automating show notes and summaries, we improve podcaster’s workflow, allowing them to focus more on content creation and engagement. This increases discoverability, expands reach, and fosters growth for our clients' shows.

Read on to learn how we generate show notes that make podcast episodes irresistible for new and existing listeners.

What are Show Notes in Podcasting?

Show notes are essential to any podcast episode. They are like a written guide that accompanies your audio content. They allow listeners to grasp the episode's content quickly, find specific segments of interest, and explore further information related to the discussion.

The ideal show note covers the overall summary, major segments and their timestamps, guest bios, and links to related resources. It enhances the listener's experience by making your content more accessible and engaging.

Additionally, show notes improve your podcast's SEO, making it easier for potential listeners to discover your episodes through search engines. That’s why podcasts with great show notes attract new listeners while keeping the existing audience engaged.

Podcast Summary vs. Podcast Show Notes

While both podcast summaries and show notes help tell your audience about your episodes, they differ in detail and purpose.

A podcast show note is a detailed written guide for the episode. It includes different elements that help listeners easily navigate the episode and get more from the content.

A podcast summary, on the other hand, is a brief overview of the episode, usually a few sentences or a short paragraph. It focuses on the central theme or key points discussed–just enough information to get listeners to tune in.

Why Are Podcast Show Notes Important?

If you are still wondering if your podcast episodes need show notes, here are a few reasons why they are important:

Improve Listener Engagement

Good show notes keep your audience engaged by providing extra information, like links to resources, guest bios, and key points. This makes your content more valuable, leading to higher play rates and more engaged listeners.

Help Listeners Find Information Easily

Show notes help listeners quickly find what they seek in an episode. With timestamps, they can find specific topics within longer episodes, enhancing user experience by saving time.

Enhance Your Podcast's SEO

Search engines like Google can't crawl audio content, but they can index your show notes. Well-written notes help your podcast appear in search results, increasing discoverability.

Boost Your Podcast's Professionalism

Having well-written show notes makes your podcast look more professional. It shows that you care about your content and audience, which can help build trust and loyalty among your listeners.

Make Sharing Easier

Show notes provide a quick way for your listeners to share your podcast with others. They can easily send the link to your show notes page, which includes all the vital information about the episode.

Provide Additional Value

Show notes can include extra content that didn’t make it into the episode, including behind-the-scenes insights, further reading, or links to mentioned products and services. This adds value and encourages your audience to keep returning.

By creating excellent show notes, you're not just summarizing your episode. You're building a powerful tool for your podcast's growth, engagement, and long-term success.

Here Are Some Key Elements of Podcast Show Notes

Whether you’ve recorded your podcast on an iPhone or in a studio, you probably want to get your show notes out there quickly. Here's a breakdown of the key elements that should be included:

  • Episode Title: The first element is a clear title accurately reflecting the episode's content. The ideal episode title should grab listeners' attention and make them want to learn more.
  • Episode Summary: A brief overview of the episode's content, including the theme, purpose, and main points discussed, as well as special guests and any other helpful information.
  • Key Topics and Timestamps: Podcast show notes include the main points discussed in the episode with corresponding timestamps, allowing users to jump directly to specific episode sections.
  • Guest Information: Podcast show notes should include the guest's name, brief bio, and relevant links (e.g., website, social media) to highlight their expertise and the reason for their invitation.
  • Quotes: Podcast show notes include notable or shareable quotes from the episode. These can be used for social media promotion and give potential listeners a taste of the content.
  • Links and Resources: Show notes should include any websites, books, tools, or other resources mentioned during the podcast episode. This adds value for listeners who want to explore topics further.
  • Transcripts: While not always included in show notes, full or partial transcripts can be valuable for accessibility and SEO by allowing search engines to better index your content. Listeners who prefer reading over listening can also find it faster.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): A show note allows podcasters to encourage listeners to take specific actions, including subscribing, leaving reviews, or engaging with your podcast in other ways.
  • Contact Information: Show notes should include how listeners can contact the podcast host, such as social media links and other channels for easy connection and feedback.

Podcast Show Note Example

To help you understand what we mean, here's an example of podcast show notes pulled from an episode of the Acquired Podcast by Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal.

Remember, you don’t need to include every element above. For instance, the show note example above doesn’t include chapters and timestamps.

The key is to provide value to your listeners while making your content more discoverable and engaging. That said, Cleanvoice summary notes include all these elements and more.

How to Generate Podcast Show Notes?

Creating high-quality show notes can be a simple process. Here are a few ways to generate practical podcast show notes, starting with our innovative AI-powered solution:

1. Using Cleanvoice

The fastest and most efficient way to generate your podcast show notes is to use Cleanvoice. Cleanvoice is designed to enhance podcasting efficiency using AI and offers automated podcast summarization, show notes generation, and SEO optimization.

With Cleanvoice, podcasters can generate detailed show notes highlighting key points of their podcast episodes. The tool can also accurately detect key points and chapters, requiring minimal effort from podcasters.

Besides the quick turnaround time, the platform is user-friendly and easy to use. To use Cleanvoice:

  1. Upload Your Audio File: Upload your podcast audio file to the Cleanvoice platform.
  1. AI Processing: Next, select the “Clean and Summarize” option from the list of tasks, and click “Start” to allow the AI to process the file.
  1. Wait: Wait while the AI processes the file. This may take a few minutes depending on the size of the podcast audio file.
  1. Review and Edit: Once the AI has generated the content, review the summaries and show notes, and make any necessary edits to ensure they match your preferred style and tone.
  1. Copy and Paste: Use the provided summaries and show notes in your podcast descriptions, website, and social media platforms.

This method saves hours of work and ensures quality and consistency across all your episodes.

Over 15,000 podcasters love Cleanvoice for its ease of use and efficiency. It has received positive testimonials highlighting its ability to save time and improve podcast management.

2. Manual Note-Taking

This traditional method involves listening to your recorded episode and writing notes as you go. Start by creating a template that includes sections for your episode summary, key points, timestamps, and other elements you want to include.

As you listen, pause frequently to jot down important information, memorable quotes, and timestamps for major topic changes. After the first pass, review your notes to fill in any gaps and polish the content.

This method gives you full control over your show notes' content and style, but it is time-consuming, requiring 1-2 times the episode's length. It can be tedious for longer episodes and demands strong listening and writing skills.

3. Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant

Podcasters can also hire a virtual assistant (VA) specialized in podcast show notes to create their notes. VAs can listen to your episodes and craft detailed notes based on the content.

Here’s what you should provide your VA:
  • Episode audio
  • A template
  • Clear guidelines for your preferred style and format

This lets you focus on producing your podcastwhile ensuring a professional handles your show notes.

Although it frees up time, this option requires clear communication of expectations. If you prefer a personal touch, it may not suit you. Additionally, hiring a VA adds to your podcast production costs.

4. Live Note-Taking During Recording

As you record your episode, keep a document open to jot down key points, timestamps, and important information. After recording, review and expand on your live notes to create the full show notes.

This method works well for solo shows or interviews, allowing you to take notes without disrupting the flow and saving time in post-production. However, if you get easily distracted and can’t multitask, this isn't for you, and the post-recording review and adjustment will require more time.

5. Repurpose Your Episode Outline

Content repurposing can also be an excellent way to generate show notes. If you create detailed outlines before recording, use these as the foundation for your show notes.

After recording, review the outline and adjust it to match the actual episode’s content. Add timestamps, expand on key points, and include any additional information or insights that came up during the recording.

Using this method saves time and ensures your show notes match the episode’s original intent. However, you might miss spontaneous content not in the original outline and still need some post-recording review and adjustment, requiring additional time and effort.

6. Use A Template

Using show notes templates can streamline the process. Various templates are available online that provide a structure for your show notes. Following a template ensures consistency and saves time when creating episode notes.

Alternatively, you can create your own template. A well-designed customized template can serve as a framework, making filling in the necessary information easier.

Here’s an example of a podcast template:


Name of podcast:

Episode title and number:

Brief summary of the episode: Explain the episode’s main theme. If possible, say something about the guest, and any other relevant info about the podcast.

Episode transcript or link: Provide a link to your episode’s transcript. You can see how to create a podcast transcript here.

Bullet points of key topics and time stamps:

  • Topic #1 (0:00)
  • Topic #2 (0:00)
  • Topic #3 (0:00)

List of resources, suggested materials, and social media:

  • Resource #1
  • Resource #2
  • Resource #3

Episode sponsored by: If you have a sponsor, add their name, a brief intro, and a link to their page.

Call to action, episode link & contact info

  • Newsletter sign-up
  • Shareable episode link
  • Email address

Templates make delegation easy. However, your output may feel repetitive. You also need to invest time into creating and periodically reviewing a comprehensive template.

Best Practices for Generating Show Notes

Following these best practices will help ensure your notes are practical, engaging, and valuable to your audience:

  • Be Concise Yet Informative: Strike a balance between providing enough detail to be helpful and keeping the notes concise enough to be easily understandable. Your summaries should be clear and brief.
  • Use Consistent Formatting: Maintain a consistent structure and formatting across all episodes. This helps listeners quickly find the information they need and creates a professional appearance.
  • Customize for Your Audience: Tailor the show notes to suit your audience's preferences. Add any specific information or details you know your listeners will find valuable. Personal touches can make the notes more engaging and relevant.
  • Make it Shareable: Include click-to-tweet quotes or shareable snippets that listeners can easily post on social media.
  • Update Regularly: If you reference time-sensitive information, review and update your show notes periodically to keep them relevant.
  • **Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords and write compelling titles. Proper formatting with headers, timestamps, internal linking, and meta descriptions also improves search engine visibility.
  • Include Visual Elements: Where appropriate, add images, infographics, or other visual elements to make your show notes more engaging.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your show notes are easily readable on mobile devices, where many listeners may be accessing them.
  • Gather Feedback: Regularly ask your audience for feedback on your show notes. This can help you continually improve and meet your listeners' needs.

Generate Powerful Show Notes With Cleanvoice

Publishing excellent show notes alongside your podcast can significantly impact its success. Well-crafted notes enhance the listener experience and boost your podcast's discoverability and engagement.

Cleanvoice is transforming how podcasters approach show note creation. We help you streamline the process, allowing you to generate comprehensive, engaging show notes in seconds.

With just one click, you can highlight key points, create accurate timestamps, and even include engaging quotes in your podcast.

Ready to save time, elevate your podcast's professionalism, and appeal to potential listeners? Try Cleanvoice for free now and start getting amazing show notes.