The 5 Best Notta AI Alternatives We’ve Tried

Transcription has been around for ages, but the latest technological advancements have made it more efficient, cost-effective and easier to use.

Notta AI is one of the leading transcription services on the market today, but there are plenty of alternative solutions that can help you get the job done faster and better.

At Cleanvoice, we know a thing or two about what makes a great audio transcription tool—and today, we’ll be sharing our top five Notta AI alternatives. Whether you’re a podcaster or a team looking for a more efficient transcription workflow, we’ve got the perfect solution for you.

Let’s get started.

What Is Notta AI?

Notta AI is an AI transcription solution trusted by over a million teams and users worldwide. It offers efficient, accurate, and secure transcription services suitable for a wide range of professional and personal applications.

The platform specializes in transcribing audio to text with a high degree of accuracy. It supports 104 languages and can transcribe audio from uploaded files, live meetings, and in-app recorded audio.

It's particularly useful for creating meeting minutes, recording interviews, or capturing creative ideas.

But Notta AI isn’t perfect—here are a few of its biggest flaws.

Why Look For Notta AI Alternatives?

  • Limited Focus:

Notta AI is aimed at professionals. While this is good for some use cases, it means that it’s not ideal for casual users looking for more specialized transcriptions—like podcasters.

Alternatives like Cleanvoice fill these niche gaps and offer dedicated tools that are tailored to specific needs.

  • Limited Features:

Despite having a good range of features, Notta AI doesn’t have everything you might need from an audio transcription service. Alternatives like Cleanvoice offer useful extras like content repurposing and audio cleaning.

  • Accuracy in Niche Areas:

If your recordings delve into highly technical or niche subjects might find Notta AI's transcription accuracy leaves a bit to be desired—especially when dealing with complex jargon or terminologies.

  • Speaker Differentiation Challenges:

Notta AI can also occasionally struggle with speaker differentiation—especially in larger groups.

A Notta alternative to Try?

Cleanvoice excels at the above challenges thanks to dedicated algorithms that help it differentiate between multiple voices.

Criteria to Consider When Choosing Notta AI Alternative

Customization Capabilities

Seek alternatives that offer robust customization options to tailor the transcription output according to your specific needs, whether it's formatting preferences or industry-specific requirements.

Cleanvoice offers a high degree of customization for transcripts. Users can choose from over 60 languages, repurpose transcripts into summaries, show notes, and podcast descriptions, export them as SRT files, and even create subtitles for video podcasts.

Technical Accuracy

Evaluate the tool's transcription accuracy, especially when dealing with intricate terminology or niche subjects. Pick a solution that consistently delivers precise transcriptions, even in challenging content, like those that involve background noise.

Cleanvoice solves this problem by combining AI transcription with AI audio enhancement to identify and remove audio imperfections from the mix before transcribing—things like:

  • Background noise
  • Stuttering
  • Mouth sounds
  • Filler words

This makes it much easier to transcribe a podcast to text and leads to a much more accurate final product.

Speaker Differentiation

If your recordings involve multiple speakers or overlapping conversations, prioritize alternatives that excel in accurately differentiating and labeling speakers, ensuring a clear and organized transcript.

Cleanvoice is adept at speaker identification and differentiation within transcribed content. This feature is particularly beneficial for podcasts with multiple speakers, like interviews or panel discussions, as it accurately labels speakers and helps users follow conversations and attribute quotes.

Integration and Compatibility

Consider the tool's compatibility with other podcasting tools and platforms to seamlessly integrate it into your existing workflow. A smooth integration enhances efficiency and reduces disruptions during post-production.

Cleanvoice integrates with tons of popular editors (Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere, Davinci Resolve, Reaper, Audacity, and any that support .EDL files). You can easily send your files back and forth, or export markers and timelines for an efficient editing workflow.

5 Best Notta AI Alternatives We’ve Tried

In a rush? No worries—here are the tools we’ll be covering below:

  1. Cleanvoice
  2. tl;dv
  4. Fathom

Stick around to learn why these tools made the cut.

1. Cleanvoice

Cleanvoice is an AI-powered audio editing toolkit for podcasters. Our platform combines highly accurate AI transcription with a whole host of AI audio enhancement features designed to leave your audio sounding crisp, clear, and professional.

Cleanvoice’s advanced AI algorithms can detect and remove all kinds of imperfections—filler words, stutters, dead air, background noise, and more—resulting in an audio file that’s perfect for any setting. It then generates an accurate transcript of the cleaned audio (free of all those pesky mispronunciations and flubs!), so you can access your words quickly and efficiently.

Plus, Cleanvoice offers AI repurposing tools. You can use AI to generate transcript summaries, show notes, descriptions, and more.

Key Features

  • Podcast Transcription:

Converts spoken words into text format for a comprehensive and searchable representation of podcast content.

  • Multilingual Speech to Text:

Converts spoken words in multiple languages into written text.

  • Transcript Repurposing:

Allows users to repurpose existing transcriptions and transform them into different formats.

  • Filler Words Remover:

Automatically detects and eliminates distracting filler sounds like um's and ah's.

  • Background Noise Remover:

Effectively identifying and eliminating unwanted ambient noises.

  • Podcast Mixing:

Auto-adjusts audio levels and creates a balanced mix of podcast content.


Cleanvoice offers both subscription plans and pay-as-you-go (PAYG) packages.

Subscription plans include options for 10 hours (€10/month), 30 hours (€30/month), and 100 hours (€80/month) of processed audio monthly. PAYG packages are available as 5 hours (€10), 10 hours (€18), and 30 hours (€40).

2. tl;dv

tl;dv (or “too long; didn’t view”) is an AI meeting recorder for Zoom and Google Meet.

tl;dv offers a comprehensive meeting recording solution that seamlessly transcribes and summarizes calls with customers, prospects, and teams. With automatic transcription capabilities in over 30 languages, tl;dv's AI Meeting Note Taker allows users to effortlessly summarize key moments with a click.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Meetings: Use AI to enhance various aspects of the meeting experience, from transcription to analysis
  • Meeting Transcriptions: Simplify post-meeting tasks by converting spoken words during meetings into written texts
  • Customer Voice Amplifier: Enhance customer engagement and feedback analysis to amplify the voice of customers in meetings


tl;dv has three pricing plans:

  • Free: Perfect for small teams & individuals.
  • Pro ($20/user/month): Great for advanced team features.
  • Enterprise (custom): Ideal for a team that needs advanced admin features.


Fireflies is an AI tool designed to help teams transcribe, summarize, search, and analyze conversations.

The tool works via integrations with major virtual meeting tools (Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, etc.), a Chrome extension, or audio file uploads. It features a powerful search feature that allows you to go beyond keywords to search by theme, sentiment, topic, and more.

Key Features

  • Smart Search: Search for keywords, themes, and topics like action items, dates, times, metrics, questions, sentiment, and more within your transcribed conversations.
  • Video Conferencing Bot: Connect and join meeting events with a bot that’s equipped video-conferencing URL to enhance accessibility and automation in scheduling.
  • Transcription: Showcase key accuracy benchmarks and achieve a 90% accurate rate for various meeting types.


Choose from’s pricing subscriptions—Free, Pro ($10/user/month), Business ($19/user/month), and Enterprise (custom).

4. Fathom

Fathom is an AI meeting transcription tool for Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet.

Fathom gives you instant access to meeting transcripts immediately after the call ends, plus a selection of Highlights—recording snippets, transcripts, and AI-generated summaries for key moments. This makes it easy to find and review essential conversations in minutes.

Key Features

  • Instant Access to Call Recording: Gain immediate access to call recordings and a convenient playback and reference after the meeting concludes.
  • AI Summarizer: Condense and highlight key moments from your meetings to gain efficient insights
  • Automate Call Notes: Automate call notes for seamless documentation without manual intervention


Fathom offers two straightforward plans— Standard ($24/user/mo) and Pro ($29/user/mo).


Otter is one of the more popular transcription tools on this list. It offers transcription for live recordings, uploaded audio, and audio recorded in the Otter app.

Otter Chat is a powerful feature that turns your transcripts into a chatbot—you can ask questions about the transcript, and it responds with answers pulled from the text. You can also add notes, comments, and highlights to collaborate with your team on creative or professional work.

Key Features

  • Chat Overview: Access a comprehensive overview of the chat for a clear and organized summary of the conversation’s key points and details.
  • Generate Content: Create detailed notes, summaries, and action items based on the audio content of your meetings.
  • Interact & Collaborate: Interact with live transcripts and collaborate with teammates in real time.


Choose from’s pricing plans: Basic (Free), Pro ($10/user/month), Business ($20/user/month), and Enterprise (custom).


As professionals strive to improve clarity, accessibility, and efficiency in their content, finding the perfect transcription solution becomes crucial. The reasons for exploring alternatives to Notta AI are diverse, ranging from customization needs to technical accuracy and seamless integration.

At Cleanvoice, we arm podcasters and podcast editors with a set of dedicated podcasting tools. AI audio enhancement removes imperfections from audio, while AI transcription enables fast and accurate transcriptions in multiple languages.

The result? Improved audio quality, increased productivity, and better searchability.

Get started with 30 minutes of audio processing on us.