Here’s Our Complete Guide on How We Remove Background Noise From Audio

Helpful Summary

  • Overview:

This article offers a comprehensive guide on removing background noise from your audio to achieve excellent audio quality and ensure crisp, distraction-free listening experiences for your listeners.

  • Why you can trust us:

Our proven expertise is backed by successful case studies and client testimonials. We at Cleanvoice specialize in eliminating unwanted sounds and using AI to enhance audio content's clarity and quality effectively.

  • Why this is important:

Clean audio improves audio clarity and listener engagement and ensures accurate transcriptions. It's important for maintaining a professional image and delivering clear, engaging content.

  • Action points:

We recommend exploring different ways of removing background noise from your audio and assessing which method works best for your needs.

  • Further research:

Explore advanced features and best practices for noise removal to improve your audio editing skills further.

Need Help Removing Background Noise From Your Audio?

You've just settled in to listen to your latest podcast episode, but instead of the clear, engaging dialogue you were expecting, your ears are met with a low hum from an air conditioner and the intermittent screech of car brakes. Frustrating, isn't it?

Background noise can transform an otherwise perfect audio recording into a test of patience for listeners everywhere. It's a common issue that anyone who's recorded anything will have encountered at some point. But the good news is it doesn't have to be that way.

At Cleanvoice, we specialize in helping podcasters achieve superb audio clarity.

Our expertise lies in removing those pesky, unwanted sounds that distract your audience from the main content. Our AI-powered tools help ensure that your audio is heard exactly as intended—crisp and clear. In this article, we’ll guide you through how we do it and what you should consider when removing background noise.

Let’s get to it!

Why Listen To Us?

Removing background noise from your audio can be tricky, but at Cleanvoice, we have firsthand experience making your podcasts sound crystal-clear. Our AI-driven software simplifies audio editing and background noise removal, making it hassle-free.

Our positive reviews and client feedback showcase our ability to improve audio quality significantly. We ensure your content connects better with your audience by addressing common issues like traffic sounds, cafe noise, and other ambient disturbances.

What is Background Noise Removal?

Background noise removal is a crucial step in audio editing that focuses on eliminating unwanted sounds from a recording.

These sounds, which can include anything from the static of electronic devices to the beeps of nearby cars, often distract from the main audio. The goal of removing this noise is to create a cleaner, more pleasant listening experience by ensuring that only the intended audio is heard.

This process can be technical, involving background noise removal tools designed to recognize and reduce these extraneous noises without affecting the quality of the original audio.

Cleanvoice is an audio editing tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to intelligently sift through your audio, automatically targeting and eliminating background and filler noises, repetitive stutters, and intrusive mouth sounds from podcasts or audio recordings.

Our advanced set of tools enhances the overall quality of your audio by refining the content down to what truly matters – the core message or performance. Just simply upload your audio file and let our AI handle the rest.

Benefits of Removing Background Noise From Your Audio


In any audio-related work, having clean audio signals to your audience that you value quality. When a recording is free from distracting sounds, it presents a more polished and trustworthy image, which is particularly essential for podcasters and content creators who want to maintain a professional reputation.


Clear audio is critical for effective communication. Background noise can mask or distort speech and other important sounds, making it difficult for the listener to understand the intended message.

This is especially significant in educational materials and video podcasts where the focus is on delivering information clearly and concisely.

Listener Engagement

A recording without background noise is much more pleasant and easier to listen to, making listeners more likely to remain interested and attentive. Clean audio prevents the listener from being distracted or having to strain to hear the primary content, enhancing their overall listening experience.

Accurate Transcriptions

Clean audio is much easier to transcribe accurately. This is vital for creating subtitles, closed captions, and written records of spoken content. With background noise removed, speech recognition software and human transcribers can work more efficiently and with fewer errors.

Different Ways You Can Remove Background Noise

1. Using an AI Noise Remover Software

Among the most effective approaches to combat unwanted background noise is using AI noise reduction tools like Cleanvoice.

Our platform uses artificial intelligence to analyze the audio and differentiate between the main content and the background noise. Simply upload your audio recordings and let our AI do the heavy lifting. Once identified, our tool eliminates any unwanted sounds without affecting the primary audio track.

Additionally, Cleanvoice can do more than just remove background noise. It not only recognizes and removes filler sounds such as "um's" and "ah's" in more than 20 languages, but also works with multiple accents. It offers automatic audio enhancement.

This feature is a game-changer for eliminating intrusive noises like traffic, café bustle, or white noise, ensuring your podcasts and recordings sound crystal clear.

2. Applying High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters

High-pass filters eliminate lower-frequency background noises, such as the humming of an air conditioner or traffic rumble, which can be picked up even in relatively quiet environments.

On the other hand, low-pass filters effectively remove higher-frequency noises like the screech of feedback or electronic hiss. Applying these filters lets you target and remove specific unwanted frequencies from your recordings.

3. Manual Noise Removal

Sometimes, unexpected noises like a cough or a doorbell can interrupt a recording session. Direct intervention is required for noises that appear unexpectedly during a recording session.

Using specially designed software, such as podcast editing tools, these sounds can be individually targeted and edited out, ensuring that they do not interfere with the main audio content.

4. Expanding the Use of Dynamic Processing

Dynamic processors like expanders and noise gates can help suppress background noise by preventing it from being audible during quiet sections of a recording. They work by only allowing audio that exceeds a certain loudness threshold to pass through.

5. Utilizing Directional Microphones

Directional microphones, also known as cardioid or shotgun microphones, focus on capturing sound from a particular area and rejecting noise from other directions.

This makes them particularly useful when recording environments where it is impossible to control all noise sources, such as outdoor locations or live events.

Best Practices in Removing Background Noise from Audio

When removing background noise from audio, several best practices can help ensure the cleanest possible outcome. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • Pre-Recording Checks: Inspect your recording environment for noise sources and eliminate them before you begin recording. Check that your recording equipment is set up correctly and working properly.
  • Optimal Microphone Placement: Place the microphone close to the sound source to capture clear audio while minimizing background noise. Experiment with placement for the best sound quality.
  • Use of Pop Filters and Windshields: Implement pop filters to reduce vocal plosives and windshields to reduce wind noise during outdoor recordings.
  • Monitoring Levels During Recording: Watch audio levels closely to avoid clipping and reduce the need for extensive post-production adjustments.
  • Educate Yourself on Software Features: Familiarize yourself with the full range of your software's capabilities to maximize its noise reduction efficiency.
  • Clean Audio Files Before Editing: Apply a preliminary noise reduction to recordings before detailed editing for a cleaner baseline and easier noise identification.
  • Save Original Recordings: Always keep an unaltered copy of your original recordings if you need to revert after applying noise reduction or editing processes.
  • Sound Isolation Techniques: Use sound-absorbing materials like acoustic panels or isolation shields around the microphone to reduce unwanted noise further.
  • Keep Quiet Reminders: Ask contributors and staff to be mindful of creating noise and to move silently during recording sessions.
  • Regular Breaks During Long Sessions: Take breaks in lengthy recording sessions to check for and address any noise issues that may arise over time.
  • Use of In-Ear Monitoring: Use in-ear monitors to hear exactly what the microphone is capturing, allowing immediate adjustments to reduce noise.

Looking for a Hassle-Free Background Noise Remover? Try Cleanvoice Today.

Removing background noise is a critical aspect of producing high-quality audio content.

It goes beyond merely stripping away unwanted sounds; it’s about refining your audio to ensure your message is delivered with the utmost clarity. For content creators across all mediums, from podcasting to music production, presenting audio free from distractions is essential for maintaining audience engagement and delivering a professional experience.

At Cleanvoice, we're committed to providing the tools you need to meet the highest standards of clarity and precision with your audio. Our AI-powered software is designed to ensure that your content stands out for all the right reasons – its quality and professionalism.

Sign up for Cleanvoice today and start producing noise-free audio that captivates your audience from the first word to the last.